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Si usted no tiene instalado el Adobe Acrobat usted necesita instalarlo en su computadora con el fin de ver las formas de impuestos y sus manuales. Después de salvar el archivo en su disco duro usted puede verlo abriéndolo con el lector del programa Adobe Acrobat Reader. Si se le presenta este problema, usted debe copiar primero y despues salvar el archivo en su computadora antes de verlo. If the fill-out form is displayed within your web browser's window be sure to use the print button on the Acrobat toolbar menu to print the form instead of your web browser print function.Ī veces ocurre que los archivos del programa Adobe (PDF Files) no pueden abrirse tales como formas de impuestos, hojas de cómputo e instrucciones. If a form field is active (contains the blinking bar) the contents will not print.

When you are finished filling out the form, use your mouse to select an area of the form outside of a form field before printing your form. Use Shift + Tab to accept the field change and go to the previous field. Use the Tab key to accept the field change and go to the next field. The I-beam cursor allows you to select a field, a check box, a radio button, or an item from a list. When you position the hand cursor on the form and click, the I-beam cursor will appear. The hand cursor will allow you to move the form around on your screen when you click and drag. When you click on your selected form, the file will open in Adobe Acrobat and you will see a cursor that is shaped like a hand. There is no computation, validation or verification of the information you enter, and you are fully responsible for the accuracy of all required information. Maryland fill-out forms use the features provided with Acrobat 3.0 products. To do so, you must have the full Adobe Acrobat 4.1 (or newer) product suite, which can be purchased from Adobe. IMPORTANT: The Acrobat Reader does not allow you to save your fill-out form to disk. Fill-out forms are better than hand written forms because they offer a cleaner and crisper printout for your records and are easier for us to process. You can also print out the form and write the information by hand. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.1 (or newer), which is available for free online.

Fill-out forms allow you to enter information into a form while it is displayed on your computer screen and then print out the completed form.